Vineyards and wineries in Andalusia

Vineyards in Andalusia
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Nobody knows when wine-making was first introduced to Andalusia. It could have been brought there by the Greeks 2,500 years ago or even earlier, by seafaring Phoenician traders from the east. What we do know for sure is that by the time of the Romans wine was being made in Andalusia in a big way, and the activity has continued more or less uninterruptedly ever since. From the 15th century onwards, Andalusian wines were shipped to appreciative drinkers elsewhere in Europe, particularly England, where there was a great fondness for Sack (as Sherry was called) and sweet wines from Malaga. (source:

The area around Jerez has overcome the various diseases that attacked the vineyards in the old days and is now still one of the mayor producers of Sherry, Brandy and the typical Cadiz dry white wine. Around the beautiful city of Jerez de la Frontera you will find miles and miles of vineyards providing the bodegas with the juicy grapes. To mention a few: Tio Pepe) , Pedro Domecq  or the famous Osborne house. All the bodegas are open for visitors. If you haven’t done this yet, it is definitely worldwhile!

The vineyards around Málaga, producing the sweet Málaga wine, also survived over the years. This wine is exported all over the world yet especially to the UK, where they seem to enjoy this sweet blend. The sweet wine is however not the only wine produced in this area. The wine museum in the cozy city of Málaga gives a nice overview of wine making and the possibility to taste the different blends from the province .

Ronda wine gains interest

The vineyards around Ronda are gaining more and more importance nowadays and are producing some very interesting boutique wines, some ecological, which are served in the best Restaurants all over the world. Names as Schatz, Kieninger and Conrad are no longer unknown.

This revival of wine making in Andalusia raises the interest in planting private vineyards as well. Most of them as a hobby, to produce a high quality private label wine. Villas & Fincas assists their clients in finding the right property to do so and also helps to establish the local contacts with experts to bring your project to a success.

Visit vineyards for sale in Ronda by cliking: …more.



Oscar Ernstsen | 7th February 2012