Villas & Fincas News
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Over the last months we’ve noticed an increase of interest from clients of Northern Europe to purchase houses in Andalusia. At least for Country Properties the market seems to be picking up. The adjusted selling...Read More
One thing is for sure. We are finding ourselves in an era in which the long established concepts are reinvented over and over again. Whether it’s technology, economy or design, renewing is the driving force....Read More
Market Report Villas & Fincas December 2012 Land Prices and house prices landed in between 20 and 40 percent from peak 2006. It is likely that the prices are still under pressure since the demand...Read More
Some of our friends don’t understand why we would want to stay in Andalusia for Christmas.Read More
Coming soon:Building Plot, Ronda area, 12 Ha, 800.000 Euros, with license to built a cortijo with a vineyard Back from Summer HolidaysThe summer holidays are ending, back to normal again. I went with my family...Read More