Information about Tarifa

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When Tarifa comes to mind, we think of the hot sun, the mesmerizing, white, sandy beaches… So to own a property here is something special! Tarifa is located at the southernmost point of Spain, with its coastline stretching all the way from Zahara de los Atunes to El Tolmo. More than half of Tarifa is protected by an official protection, with its extension of the Alcornocales Natural Park and the Estrecho Natural Park. It is only 46 minutes to Gibraltar Airport and one hour and 46 minutes to Málaga Airport.

Tarifa’s history

Tarifa received its name from Arab: Al Yazirat Tarif. In 710, it was given to the island that lies off its coast chosen by Tarif’s expeditionary troops, commander of Tarik, on his first landing on the Iberian Peninsula. After the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 711, a medina was founded on the current site of the city.

At just 20 minutes from Tarifa, the remains of a past Roman town, Baelo Claudia. Over 2000 years ago, it was initially a fishing town and a trade link, and its primary income was tuna fishing, salting and producing garum, a tuna sauce. It started declining after a huge earthquake and various attacks from barbaric and german pirates. Some remains include a basilica, a theatre, market and the temple of Isis.

What to do in Tarifa?

Tarifa is well-known for its white and windy beaches, mountain areas and more; so it comes as no surprise for most activities to be outdoors! It has been the home for the National Kitesurf circuit. Whatever the weather there is almost always some brave people kitesurfing and windsurfing! There are day excursions to observe the whales and dolphins; some businesses are quite confident that you will always see something that if you don’t, you get a free ride! For those who prefer to stay on land but still love animals, there are bird observations including eagles, hawks and storks, horse riding through the mountains and on the beach and walking routes through the Alcornocales Natural Park and the Estrecho Natural Park.

It is very rich in rock art sites. It’s existing caves and shelters from Tarifa to Medina – Sidonia corresponds to a time ranging from the Upper Paleolithic to the Bronze Age. It is worth mentioning the Cueva del Moro.

One of the places that should be visited no matter what is the El Estrecho balcony. It’s 6 km from the town centre, you will be mesmerized by the panoramical views! From here you are able to see one of the “Pillars of Hercules”,  also known as the Jebel Musa.  As it is only 14 km away, it’s as if you could touch Africa you are that close!


Why Tarifa?

Many tourists have come here for a holiday and ended up owning a property in Tarifa because it has something special. If you combine the Mediterranean climate, the beautiful environment, the impressive views, the fresh gastronomy, the outdoor activities… what else could you ask for?

Danielle Ernstsen | 12th May 2023