Live the Andalusian Dream

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You are not alone! Based on the latest numbers from our market analysis, we have confirmed that a new wave of foreigners are exploring Spain as an option for future investments. Whether to move permanently, or looking for a second semi-permanent residence. Others are also considering Spain to invest in a property that can be used for rentals. So, knowing that you are not one of the few anymore, how will you react? Come to Spain and meet us. We will help you fulfil your Andalusian Dream.

What’s better than the Andalusian Dream?

The Andalusian Dream. How should we describe it? Because in essence it can vary a lot, considering Andalucía herself is such a diverse place. It offers coast and mountains. It offers dense forests and elongated beaches. In Andalusia you can opt for both the busy city nightlife as well as quiet ventas. For the active ones, there are plentiful outdoors activities. And for the ones who like to relax a bit more, you can choose from an endless list of top restaurants and cafés, shops, schools where you can learn how to dance… There are millions of plans, all of opposing natures. Perfect, for any kind of lifestyle.

So, what is the Andalusian Dream? To live in the sun for the rest of your days? Well yes, that is one very important aspect of it! But it doesn’t quite describe the whole. The Andalusian Dream is one that fills your heart with so much joy, that you feel it could explode from happiness fulfilment. So let’s get into it.


The essence of what’s right

In my personal, humble opinion, the Andalusian Dream is all about going back to the essence of life. We have said this many times, but there is simply no other way to describe it. The Dream is about all kinds of luxuries. And when we speak of luxuries we are not talking about material possessions, no, no sir! We are talking about experiences and sensations.

Picture this: you have arrived in one of the picturesque white mountain villages of Andalucía. You see people doing all kinds of chores; some are doing their groceries locally. Ordering their meat in the local butcher, or picking up some fish for lunch. You might see a mother with her young kids stacking up on all the goodies: artisan cheese, ham, honey… You’ll see an older man walking into town, who clearly just came from the countryside to take care of his animals. And what is he carrying in that bag? Fresh herbs? Some produce from the latest harvest? Or fresh eggs, if he has chickens? Who knows!

As you take it all in, you suddenly see the perfect spot in the local square. That very instant you know that will be your breakfast table. You order the classic desayuno: tostada con tomate y café con leche. Toast with tomato and a coffee. The sun kisses your skin, you hear people of all ages chatting their lives away right there in the square, talking about all sorts of topics and local the latest gossip. As you sit there, sipping your coffee you know that you have found your place and you feel you are truly happy.

Nature, fresh air & hobbies

Another great part of living in Andalusia is that everywhere go you, you can escape and disappear in nature. We have so much open space here that you can disconnect in order to connect again. So what is this like if you own a beautiful Andalusian cortijo on your estate near Ronda, in El Burgo? You will feel accomplished; like you are mastering the Andalusian Dream. There is endless space to unwind and to plant your vegetables, fruit, fresh herbs, to always enjoy your delicious tostada con tomate at home! What’s even better: You have an entire olive grove that you can work on so you can produce your own olive oil.

We dare you! Take it even further and expand the plantation, or plant another part of your estate with other crops. You can keep as many animals as you like here. Or, organise fantastic events with your friends and family. You can hop into the car and explore your own land. Or for a change, you can hop in the car and drive around to the neighbouring towns and cities to stack up on that delicious local fresh produce.

Sometimes we have to think small, to feel big. At this fantastic private estate you will feel like the Andalusian Dream is yours


Danielle Ernstsen | 12th December 2024